Why HypnobirthinG?

What is Hypnobirthing?

Women are designed to give birth naturally and comfortably.  Hypnobirthing teaches us how to break the fear-tension-pain cycle and embrace birth with confidence. It shows us what birth can look like when we let our mind rest and let our body do the work. 

At Bloom Hypnobirthing, we teach the Katherine Graves (KG) Method of Hypnobirthing. KG Hypnobirthing is complete in-depth antenatal training program designed to release fear and build confidence during pregnancy and birth.  It gives you the knowledge and the tools to have the best childbirth for you.

Benefits of Hypnobirthing

Hypnobirthing helps women prepare for any path birth may take, whether it is Natural, Epidural, Induction, C-Section, VBAC, and many more.  Hypnobirthing always makes a difference, including:

  • Moms feel confident to plan their birth and voice their preferences with their doctor/midwife.
  • Labor is likely shorter
  • Labor and birth are more comfortable
  • Birth partner becomes mom’s advocate and protector
  • Baby arrives with less stress, alert, and ready to bond with mom
  • Maximized birth hormones help breastfeeding, recovery, and bonding
  • Recovery is easier when the physical impact of birth is reduced
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